Develop children's skills with Stromáčik

Develop children's skills with Stromáčik

Our goal is the balanced development of the child's personality.

Already in kindergarten, we can observe that some children are surprisingly good with numbers, others have a high level of empathy, and others like to build various constructions or solve problem-solving tasks. However, in addition to a child's strengths, it is also necessary to stimulate his or her less-developed abilities. If a child's holistic development is neglected by the age of six, it may be too late to develop the child's biological potential at an older age.

Taking a holistic view of personality development means that we will simultaneously address the stimulation of the following abilities of the child:

  • Mathematical-logical abilities (understanding of numbers and simple operations with them, understanding of time, distance, weight, sequence and causality, abstract thinking),
  • observation-memory skills (ability to retain short- and long-term memory, recall detail, reproduce what is remembered, ability to register e.g. visual stimuli in a rapid manner),
  • communication skills (rich vocabulary, fluency of speech, expressing oneself, use of different means of speech, correct intonation, articulation, pronunciation, gesticulation, observance of communication conventions - manner of address, expression of politeness),
  • critical thinking (recognizing true and false statements, perceiving connections, being able to argue, express and justify an opinion),
  • graphomotor skills (ability to recognize and learn symbols, awareness of the relationship between spoken and written language, ability to write, trace and draw, correct eye-hand coordination, mastery of writing instruments),
  • motor skills (imitation of movements, joint mobility, speed, strength, stamina, body flexibility, and coordination of movements),
  • socio-emotional competencies (expressing emotions and acceptably communicating them, constructive processing of fear and loss, positive evaluation and self-acceptance, non-aggressive conflict resolution, empathy, building relationships and cooperation, ability to compromise, ability to learn and adapt, appreciation of the ethical and aesthetic aspects of nature, and ability to build a relationship with the natural and inanimate world),
  • scientific and technical skills (ability to imagine, classify and draw shapes and objects, estimation of distance and position in space, reproduction of shapes, understanding of the length, size, and speed of objects, knowledge of the properties of materials, their processing possibilities and practical experience of working them, ability to use fingers and hands purposefully, practical skills in the use of different tools, construction, user skills, ability to induce - generalize, deduce - infer and analyze the world around them),
  • artistic-creative skills (sense of rhythm, musicality, understanding of music and its melody, dramatic expression, instrumental reproduction of music, visual and artistic expression, ability to come up with ideas, richness of ideas, imaginative, original).

When designing the content of the Stromáčik magazine, we emphasize the representation of all of the above-mentioned skills and abilities. Therefore, when reading it, do not focus only on the development of intellectual abilities, but also try to stimulate other areas of the child's personality to a sufficient extent. To help you in this work, we are gradually building up the Tree of Life Academy, in which we are expanding and adding explanations to the individual tasks in the Tree of Life.


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