We offer the opportunity for active educators to participate in international training.
We offer the opportunity for active educators to participate in international training.
The global phenomenon of climate change affects everyone's life. Rising global temperatures are causing ice to melt, sea levels to rise, and extreme natural events such as floods, droughts, and storms to occur more frequently. Dangerously, it is also increasing the risk of the spread of tropical diseases. Education and awareness from early childhood onwards are essential to promote sustainable lifestyles or to improve the ability of people and countries to address environmental issues and thus fight to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
In international comparison, Slovak pupils are relatively behind in understanding and explaining complex global issues such as climate change. While on average 63% of pupils in OECD countries can explain the impact of carbon dioxide emissions on climate change according to a self-assessment, only 42% of pupils in Slovakia dare to do so. The education system is more theoretically oriented than practically oriented. It also lacks the interdisciplinary approach needed to better understand complex economic, social, and environmental contexts. For this reason, we have prepared the Teaching Green project, in cooperation with Slovak and foreign partners, aimed at raising awareness about climate change.
Who is the project for:
● for Tree of Life Club leaders who lead pupils aged 10 - 16 years old.
How the project will work:
Club leaders will receive initial training by attending a week-long international training (Spain, 24-30 September 2022) or through e-learning.
Challenges will be announced from September 2022 onwards, where participation is voluntary. These will be smaller activities, such as "don't buy anything wrapped in plastic today". Pupils take photos while completing the challenges and share the photos on Instagram.
The main program of the project will run from January to June 2023. At the start, pupils will take an entry test to measure their attitudes. The Club will then choose at least 1 indicator to monitor over a set period of time. In the end, the entry test will be repeated and the shift in pupils' attitudes will be evaluated.
Registration for international training in Spain
The project selects teachers in each of the participating countries (Slovakia, Italy, Cyprus, and Spain) to participate in a training course in Spain in September 2022. If you are interested in participating in the training, please complete the online questionnaire by 17 June 2022. The limited number of places on the course will allow us to select the most suitable and motivated teachers who have the potential to implement practical climate change education and citizen science activities in their teaching practice.
The course is grant-funded for the Club Leader. The participant only needs to arrange travel insurance and transportation to the meeting place (Bratislava). The activities at the training will be conducted in English.
Clubs participating in the project will receive a free membership for 1 year.